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My very first speed test! (not a top 5 post)

Well Hello. I know, this is not a "top 5" post How are you there, i hope, y'all the best. Umm.... today's post is all about internet speed test. i mean, the entire post, im not going to write and explain a very detail about the speed test. Well, about 2 weeks ago, my teacher told my class to write in their blog about, what could you know from a speed test's result. My test was provided by:  But please note that i didn't get paid or sponsored. Remember about what i said above, this is a little assignment from school. And, anyway, i am not a computer expert. About 60 % of this post's information i got from books and internet. So, if you're a computer expert, and you are (exactly) better than me, please be kind, and forgive me if the information is innacurate or wrong.  So, here is my Internet speed test result: (Oh yea, i know, the slow internet speed right? I guess my ISP had a problem, or is it just me paying less and getting s...

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